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Work In Progress

A Fictitious Attribution 

On her sixteenth birthday, Emma received a card through the post. It was from the father who she had always believed died in a car accident, along with her mother, when she was four years old. Visiting him in prison, she learns of the secrets of her own past, which have been kept from her, by her grandparents, for the last 12 years.


Patrick, her father, is on the murder charge of his wife, Emma's mother, information she had been kept unaware of. Against her grandparents' wishes, Emma continues to visit Patrick, and builds a relationship with him, on the basis of her trust for his claimed innocence.


Wishing to exonerate Patrick, Emma chases down the truth of what happened to her mother one night twelve years previous, despite numerous warnings against doing so.


Once she discovers the true identity of her mother's murderer, Emma finds herself conflicted between two options; clearing a supposedly innocent man's name, or, keeping the truth, unknown to all but two people, buried, as it always has been. Both choices will have a grueling impact on Emma for the rest of her life.

**This novel is still in the process of being written and edited. However, if you would like to start reading now, it's available on Wattpad and Inkitt through the links below:




This story is also in progress at the moment, available on Inkitt and Wattpad, links below.


Ryan and Evelyn met one night at a college party, unaware that that one meeting would lead to the formation of an endearing bond between them. 

Three years later, at the completion of their degrees, they are both forced to encounter the harshness of reality, testing the strength of their respective characters, and their affinity to one another. One heartbreaking tribulation, in particular, will ultimately become the defining factor of their now irrevocable love for each other.

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